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文章作者:梁小进 文章来源:本站原创 更新时间:DateTime



《Say goodbye to my firend Haoren Mong who was going to YangZhou city》
Xiao Jin
Haoren Mong , We were good firends in the past many years .
That early spring , he planned go to YangZhou city where's faraway between here .
I guessed that he may had gotten a big mind to achieve some wonderful sucess . We know , just firend , I shouldn't express some low-level ideas to him .
So , I sent my good wishes to him and invited him to enjoy a good meal in HuangHe (the best restaurant in our city area), before his leaving .
After having a delicious meal and drank some good wines . We went out the restaurant, he went into a transport ship and left here , Transport ship slowly went far away until I couldn't see any its shadow.
That time , I went back restaurant and stopped the generous performance I did before .
I requested the restaurant waiter packed some remaining expensive  dishes , thus I could continue to enjoy it when I went back myhome at night .


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